sound art

Artist Residency at the Morrab Library, Penzance

Morrab Artist Residency Blog February – June 2022 In October 2019, I approached Morrab Library with a proposal for a six-month artist’s residency, starting early 2020. It was my first ever residency, and I wasn’t sure what to expect outside the comfort of my studio. The library, situated in Penzance, not far from where I live, is one of the last 50 independent libraries left in the country, and the

Your words are like music to my ears – Project idea

I am working on an idea for a project. Take the human voice, convert it into MIDI notes, synthesise the frequencies and you get something like Your Words are Music to my Ears. It does what it says on the tin – at least that’s the theory. The image above shows a tiny mock-up for an installation. The white object and centre piece of the work is an oversized elongated