Morrab Artist Residency Blog February – June 2022 In October 2019, I approached Morrab Library with a proposal for a six-month artist’s residency, starting early 2020. It was my first ever residency, and I wasn’t sure what to expect outside the comfort of my studio. The library, situated in Penzance, not far from where I live, is one of the last 50 independent libraries left in the country, and the

The Eye – or the Tao of Physics
The video animation is part of a piece called The Eye (2017) an assemblage made from the Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (part 1&2), a magnifying glass and a small two inch monitor. The weighty dictionary, protected by a slipcase, has seen better days. In the past a book with such impressive binding and the guilded letters must have radiated a kind of fresh and knowledgable authority, a