They must have descended into the darkness for a reason

posted in: Animism, Karen Lorenz, Max Map | 0

A Participatory Universe: Light, Sound, and Resonance.

I once read that the universe is participatory—especially in the realm of the infinitely small, where the observer and the observed exist in a timeless, creative embrace. This world moves, vibrates, and resonates.

Light and sound share the same origin—vibration. But what happens when you, the observer, darken their world?

Try it. Gently lower your hand over the two glass vessels and the tree. Move close, but don’t touch.

This interactive sound installation uses light sensors and FM synthesis to translate movement into sound. As your hand nears these imagined realities, you reduce the light, lower electrical resistance, and generate vibrational fields—transforming invisible forces into audible resonance.

Vibration is at the core of both the human body and the physical world. If only we could deepen our awareness of life’s profound interconnectedness.

Images: They Must Have Descended into the Darkness for a Reason – Audio interactive installation, Past – Present – Future, Tremenheere Gallery, 2021.